Partnerships are integral to our team being able to run. Most, if not all of our funds come from sponsorships and donations, and without them, our team cannot perform to its best ability. We run through tens of thousands of dollars per year on mechanical parts, merchandise, competition fees, and transportation. Every sponsorship counts.

You must fill out the form below.
Once the form is completed, you can either email a PDF to mmay@wcskids.net or frcteam818@gmail.com, or mail it to the address listed on the form along with the payment.

VALUED (<$200)
Listing on team website
BRONZE ($200 - $499)
Listing and logo placement in banquet program
Name and logo on team website
SILVER ($500 - $999)
Listing and logo placement in banquet program
Listing and logo on team website
Listing and logo on sponsor banner
GOLD ($1,000 - $1,999)
Listing and logo placement in banquet program
Listing and logo on team website
Listing and logo on sponsor banner
Listing and logo on team shirt
PLATINUM ($2,000+)
Listing and logo placement in banquet program
Listing and logo on team website
Listing and logo on sponsor banner
Listing and logo on team shirt
Listing and logo on robot
STEEL ($5,000+)
Listing and logo placement in banquet program
Listing and logo on team website
Recognition on social media
Listing and logo on team shirt
Listing and logo PROMINENTLY on sponsor banner
Logo PROMINENTLY on robot
For more information, please contact:
Mrs. Robin Stanton, WCS at 586-574-3171 ext. 20909 or
Mr. Mike May: mmay@wcskids.net